Sharepoint 2010 Pilot Project: Part 2/3 Installing SharePoint Server 2010 and Basic Configuration

Installing SharePoint Server 2010

Logged in as spSetupAdmin
1: Insert the SharePoint Server 2010 Media
2: Click 'Install software prerequisites' and follow the prompts to complete
3: Click 'Install SharePoint Server' and enter product key (Standard license is fine for pilot)
i: Select 'Server Farm'
ii: Select 'Complete'
Install Now
4: Wait until the installation has finished and run the 'SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard'

SharePoint Products Configuation Wizard

1: Connect to a server farm:
Choose 'Create a new server farm'
Next >
2: Specify Configuration Database Settings:
Enter Database server name
Enter – DOMAIN\spFarmAcc – for Database Access Account and enter password
Next >
3: Specify Farm Security Settings:
Enter Passphrase and confirm
Next >
4: Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application:
Accept the defaults (Port: 38773 and NTLM security)
Next > Next > Finish

SharePoint Central Administration configuration

1: Help Make SharePoint Better:
Select Yes or No -> OK
2: How do you want to configure your SharePoint farm?
Select 'Start the Wizard'
3: Configure your SharePoint farm
Service Account -> Use existing managed account (spFarmAcc)
Services -> Accept the defaults
4: Provide a Title for the SharePoint site -> OK
5: "This Complete the Farm Configuration Wizard" -> Finish
